After a year of being in beta and becoming one of the top used Twitter clients out there, the folks behind ÜberTwitter have decided it's high time to drop the beta tag from their releases. Available now, ÜberTwitter v1.0 maintains all the great features that fans have gotten used to as well adds a few final, touch ups to make the v1.0 an earned one.
* Rich Facebook Posting - Optionally post your tweets directly to Facebook from your device. Pictures and location show up in your stream as rich media previews.
* Bit.ly Pro - You asked and we delivered, now you can configure your own Bit.ly Pro account and track your own URL shortened links and take advantage of the advanced features that Bit.ly provides including the use of custom shortened URLs of your choosing.
* Dismissible Ads - For those of you on touch screen devices with the Ad supported version, you can dismiss the ad at the bottom of the screen to give you more screen space.
If ÜberTwitter is your preffered Twitter client be sure to grab the latest update from the ÜberTwitter website today. -
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