Haha pure comedy on twitter is what you get when you follow certain people in it just for entertainment..
Just decided to post it here.. check it out
Lil Duval on Worst Rapper of the Decade List
(The second is a quote off his
twitter page)
#10 Lil Flip (Becuz of this verse "I'll treat u like milk baby I'll spoil u")
#9 Nick Cannon (just becuz he tried)
#8 Birdman (As much music as he put out I bet u can't recite none of his verses)
#7 Ron Artest (Becuz he should not be that garbage coming from queensbridge)
#6 Jojo Simmons (It ain't that he can't rap it just looks like he shouldn't)
#5 Brian Pumper (Do I really have to give a explanation?)
#4 Waka Flocka (becuz I ain't never heard him make a word rhyme yet)
#3 Lil B (I aint heard his shit but y'all keep insisting that I put him up so he must be garbage)
#2 O.J. The Juiceman (Cuz I ain't met a nigga yet that can listen to a whole album of "AYE AYE!")
#1 Soulja Boy (This nigga made the Forbes list off of not making no sense. He gotta be a genius)
He also says
"Damn this #worstrappersofthedecade is tough. So many to choose from"
"I refuse to make Brian pumper number 1 #worstrappersofthedecade becuz he might think that was good thing"
"Rap game fucked up but u can't blame me seen the come seen them go u know how the game be"
"honorable mentions for #worstrappersofthedecade riff raff Jim jones Tony yayo mike jones and @iamdiddy"
Now.. I dont aree with his list but once again this is pure comedy from a comedian.. LOL.. Check him out at